A Sacred Space & Meaningful Funeral
I came that you may have life and have it to the full.
John 10:10
Rituals with Meaning
Watch a beautiful video that explains the main components of a Catholic funeral and burial.
Temple of the Holy Spirit
There’s a beauty to our being that transcends mortal life. Because the body is a temple of a Holy Spirit, we take great care in the care and burial of the body at the end of a life. We believe in the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
Life will Change, Not End
In the Catholic tradition, we believe that life will change with death, not end. We intuitively believe there is still a connection with the one who dies. We are a spiritual community, and this does not end with the passing a loved one. The faithful on earth remember those who have passed on, praying for the entry of their souls into Heaven.
Catholic Community
A Catholic cemetery is the bridge between the Church on earth and the Church in Heaven. We are an extension of parishes in the Archdiocese of Vancouver; a place for prayer, reflection, hope and remembrance. As a part of a Church family and a community of believers, Catholic Cemeteries exist to help you and your family to live on.
Pre-Need Arrangement
We offer traditional burial, mausoleum crypt burial and options for cremation burial. To proceed to our pre-need planning page, click here. For an immediate need, click here or call us at 604-531-2141.
Families who have plans in place have a greater sense of peace. You are also ensuring your wishes will be met and there will be no confusion about your preferences.
Since Vatican II, cremation is an acceptable means of disposition. Because the body was a temple of the Holy Spirit and the fact that the funeral liturgy speaks to the importance of the body, the Church requires the body present at the funeral liturgy. Some exceptions can be made – discuss this with your pastor. Cremains are the body in a different form, therefore scattering is against civil and Canon Law. Cremains are to be interred in a timely fashion preferable in a Catholic Cemetery.
“Some years ago attended a presentation by Gardens of Gethsemani at our church and found it very informative, after which my husband and I made all our ‘pre-arrangements.’ Highly recommend this to everyone.”
“I had often wanted to end my days at Gardens of Gethsemani, but for some time, I put it off. Finally, a death in my own family prompted me to take action and request a meeting. During and after the meeting, with a well qualified representative, I felt much better. I feel that by arranging a place for myself and others, my earthly remains are secure, in holy ground and a sign for those following us of what we all stood for when we lived.”