Benefits of Preparation

There are many important reasons to take care of estate details in advance.

Preserve Your Faith Wishes

Believers in Jesus Christ form a community of disciples founded on a shared faith in the Resurrection. Your Catholic cemetery continues that sense of community even after death. A pre-need arrangement to be laid to rest in a Catholic cemetery proclaims your faith and hope in awaiting the Lord’s promise of new life together.


Throughout life you involve those you care for, especially a spouse, in making important decisions. It is loving and responsible to make your burial, memorialization and Christian funeral arrangements together as well. A prepared estate lessens the burden on one’s spouse and children.

Avoid Emotional Burdens

Without the grief and anguish that accompanies death, your burial, memorialization and Christian funeral, decisions can be made thoughtfully, intelligently and without pressure on your family.

Financial Advantages

Not only can you enjoy today’s lower prices, but advance planning also allows you to select a payment method that does not burden your family. Pre-construction mausoleum, crypt, and niche discounts may also be available.

Greater Availability

Although development is ongoing, the grave, crypt and niche spaces that are available today may not be available tomorrow. Advance planning can permit you to obtain space exactly where you would like to be.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that you have helped make a difficult time easier by prearranging your cemetery, memorialization and Christian funeral needs can help to give you true peace of mind.

Acceptance & Love

In peacefully accepting your mortality and prearranging your options, you proclaim your acceptance of God’s love while expressing love and compassion for your family and friends. You have made your own choices and defined your preferences.

“Some years ago attended a presentation by Gardens of Gethsemani at our church and found it very informative, after which my husband and I made all our ‘pre-arrangements.’ Highly recommend this to everyone.”

“I had often wanted to end my days at Gardens of Gethsemani, but for some time, I put it off. Finally, a death in my own family prompted me to take action and request a meeting. During and after the meeting, with a well qualified representative, I felt much better. I feel that by arranging a place for myself and others, my earthly remains are secure, in holy ground and a sign for those following us of what we all stood for when we lived.”